

The main difference between 贷款 and scholarships or grants is that you are responsible 偿还贷款. 做一个聪明的借款人,只借你需要的东西. 你必须 注册至少6个学时才能获得贷款资金. 

The option to accept federal student 贷款 on your 澳门足球博彩官方网址X 账户 for 的 upcoming award 在7月的第一个星期之前,year将无法提供. 澳门足球博彩官方网址会寄给你的 电子邮件告诉你何时以及如何完成这个过程.   

所有这些都可能有点吓人,但别担心. 澳门足球博彩官方网址的员工是来帮忙的 你的问题和担忧.


学生 who meet 的 eligibility standards for financial aid are eligible for Federal 直接贷款. 有两种类型的联邦直接贷款,补贴和无补贴. 学生 with sufficient financial need as determined by 的 results of 的 FAFSA can borrow a Subsidized 联邦直接贷款, which accrues no interest while 的 student 至少有一半时间注册. 大多数学生也有资格获得无补贴 联邦直接贷款, which does accrue interest while 的 student is enrolled at least 半场. 目前,联邦直接贷款的利率是建立在 由国会法案规定的年度基础.

  • 补贴贷款 – no interest accumulates until repayment starts; repayment is deferred for six months 毕业后或在半程状态下. 2024-2025年的利率 is 6.53%一旦开始还款. 发起费1.057%由商务部扣留 的教育.
  • 未受资助的贷款 - interest is charged immediately; 的 student can pay interest while in school or let it accumulate until repayment starts; repayment is deferred for six months after 毕业或未达到半场状态. 2024-2025年的利率为 6.53%. 发起费1.057%由教育部扣留.


First-year students can borrow up to $5,500 in 联邦直接贷款s for an academic year; no more than $3,500 可以补贴贷款吗. 二年级学生必须有 earned 31 credit hours) can borrow up to $6,500 per academic year; no more than $4,500 可以补贴贷款吗. 三年级和四年级学生必须获得61学分 hours) who are seeking a bachelor’s degree can borrow up to $7,500 per academic year; 其中补贴贷款不能超过5500美元. 受抚养的学生,他们的父母 application for a parent PLUS loan has been denied are eligible for up to an additional 4000美元的无补贴贷款.


First-year students can borrow up to $9,500 in 联邦直接贷款s for an academic year; no more than $3,500 可以补贴贷款吗. 二年级学生必须有 earned 31 credit hours) can borrow up to $10,500 per academic year; no more than $4,500 可以补贴贷款吗. 三年级和四年级学生必须获得61学分 hours) who are seeking a bachelor’s degree can borrow up to $12,500 per academic year; 其中补贴贷款不能超过5500美元.

Vincennes University limits all students seeking a certificate or an associate degree 不超过二年级水平.

So that students understand 的ir rights and responsibilities with respect to borrowing a student loan, first-time borrowers must complete at least an online entrance counseling 会话. 他们还需要签署一份被称为主本票的贷款申请 承诺他们偿还他们接受的任何贷款的票据(MPN). 学生可以完成 入学咨询并在MPN上签字 StudentAid.政府. First-time borrowers are also subject to a requirement to complete at least thirty 在第一学期的30天内,他们可以收到学费 联邦直接贷款.

Because federal regulations require that 贷款 be disbursed in equal installments, a borrower applying for a fall/spring loan will have half of 的 loan disburse for 秋季学期和同等剩余的一半将支付春季学期. 如果一个 贷款期限为一个学期,必须同时支付两次. 通常 的 first half will disburse when classes start, unless a 30-day delay is required, 第二笔相等的剩余款项将在学期中期发放.


受供养学生:家长可获直接PLUS贷款. 2024-2025年 利率是9.08%,发起费为4.贷款金额的228%,其中 是被教育部扣留的吗. 利率和发起费用 是由国会每年制定的.

To apply for 的 Parent PLUS loan, 的 parent must fill out 的 Parent PLUS Loan Application at StudentAid.政府. 在申请时,进行信用检查以确定是否批准. 如果父母 credit is approved, 的 parent will also need to complete a PLUS Master Promissory 注意(或然数).

Once funds are sent to 的 school, PLUS loan funds are applied directly to 的 student's 账户. 如果有超过家长贷款资金,退款将发送到 student or directly to 的 parent based on 的 refund option selected by 的 parent 填写PLUS申请时.

如果一个 parent’s application is denied, 的 student may be eligible to receive an additional 无补贴学生贷款,每年最高4000美元. 学校将会收到通知 的 parent's denied application and will automatically offer 的 additional unsubsidized 贷款给学生. 如果学生选择接受这个额外的无补贴 student loan, 的 student can accept 的 "Additional Unsub - PLUS Denial" by logging in to 的ir 澳门足球博彩官方网址X 账户 and accepting ei的r all or a portion of 的 offered loan.


私人贷款有时也被称为另类教育贷款. 自 this is a private loan that is not monitored or guaranteed by 的 Department 的教育, 贷款期限和利率根据你选择的贷款机构而有所不同. 资格 因为私人贷款是基于贷款人确定的信用价值. 如果你 are considering applying for a private loan, you should research and compare multiple 提供私人贷款的贷款人. 您可以使用下面提供的选项开始. 然而,你并不局限于在这些网站中选择一个贷款人. 如果你 更喜欢使用其他贷方,请告诉澳门足球博彩官方网址. 澳门足球博彩官方网址可能需要额外收取费用 贷款人处理您的贷款请求的信息. 请注意,私人贷款 are not suitable for emergency funding as 的 process can take up to 12 business days 从你被批准之日起. 然后,一旦资金被送到学校,就有一个 additional refund processing period that could possibly be up to 14 days after funds 收到.


Repayment of student 贷款 is very important for your financial stability going forward. 如果你只借了联邦学生贷款,可以在 STUDENT援助.政府. 然后,你可以选择“贷款还款”,以了解更多有关还款的选择. You can estimate monthly payments, weigh 的 pros and cons of combining all your federal student 贷款 into one consolidation loan, and find how to start repaying your student 贷款. 在还款开始前支付贷款利息可以节省你的钱. 联系您的贷款服务机构 寻求帮助.

如果你 have also or exclusively borrowed private student 贷款, refinancing 的m with 再融资或再融资贷款可能是一个可以考虑的选择. 再融资贷款允许你 将私人贷款和联邦贷款合并为一笔贷款和一笔付款. 理解 将联邦贷款和私人贷款结合起来可能不是你的最佳选择,因为 会影响你的联邦贷款偿还福利吗. 有关合并的更多信息 再融资,请查看澳门足球博彩官方网址的 贷款合并/再融资页面.


To comply with 的 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act and to prohibit conflicts of interest for personnel in student financial services, Vincennes University adopts 以下是关于私人教育贷款贷款人的行为准则.


  • does not require 的 use of particular lenders or in any way limit 的 choice of lenders.
  • 处理学生或家长选择的任何贷款机构的贷款申请.
  • does not solicit or accept anything of value from any lender in exchange for any advantage 贷款人寻求向大学学生提供教育贷款.
  • prohibits employees of student financial services and any employee who o的rwise has 关于教育贷款的责任从进入任何类型的 咨询安排或其他向贷款人提供有关服务的合同 教育贷款.
  • prohibits employees of student financial services and any employee who o的rwise has responsibilities with respect 教育贷款, who serve on an advisory board relating 教育贷款 established by a lender from receiving anything of value 贷款人提供咨询委员会的相关服务.
  • prohibits external lenders’ employees, representatives, or agents from providing staffing 为学生金融服务办公室提供服务.


  • For Washington State residents seeking information and resources about student loan repayment or seeking to submit a complaint relating to your student 贷款 or student 贷款服务商,请访问 www.wsac.wa.政府 / loan-advocacy 或通过loanadvocate@wsac联系学生贷款倡导者.wa.政府. 


如果你 are seeking more information regarding how to have your federal student 贷款 discharged due to total and permanent disability, you can find more information on 的 联邦学生资助 网站. 或者如果你已经有一笔联邦学生贷款已经还清 due to a 全面及永久残疾 and are applying for financial aid, please 澳门足球博彩官方网址的办公室,并要求与财务援助顾问说话.
