

机械加工实习计划(米兰理工大学管理学院) program includes a two-year degree in Precision Machining that combines cutting-edge curriculum, paid work experience, along with learning highly sought-after business principles and best practices of a world-class machining 公司和制造商. Interested applicants must complete both the 米兰理工大学管理学院 application, as well as the Vincennes 大学应用. Please select the Precision Machining (8470) program on your 澳门足球博彩官方网址应用程序. For more information about 米兰理工大学管理学院, please contact Scott Wallace at SWALLACE@VINU.EDU or 812.888.5521


Precision Machining skills are highly sought by many manufacturers and companies. 学生 in 米兰理工大学管理学院 will receive top notched training in school and gain work experience 在实习期间. Over two years, each 米兰理工大学管理学院 student can earn as much as $20,000 which could be used toward the student’s education expenses. 也有可能 助学金及资助. 现实世界的工作经验是无价的!

学生 in 米兰理工大学管理学院 earn an Associate’s of Science through Vincennes University. 在 successful completion of the program, 米兰理工大学管理学院 graduates may qualify for a full-time position 在许多公司或制造业. 此外,米兰理工大学管理学院毕业生也可以选修一门 extra summer semester and earn a second AS degree in Advanced CNC Machining and Programming. 米兰理工大学管理学院 graduates can continue their education to earn a BS at Vincennes University or a BS 普渡理工学院. Some 米兰理工大学管理学院 合作伙伴 offer full time employees a tuition assistance program which allows the completion of the BS degree with little or no costs.

The Application Process: 学生 interested in the 米兰理工大学管理学院 program must apply using both the Vincennes 大学应用 and the 米兰理工大学管理学院 application. 视资历而定 some students will be required to take the Accuplacer placement test (wcc.my.bemicte.com/testing). 一次 accepted to Vincennes University, 米兰理工大学管理学院 合作伙伴 will review your application and determine 哪些申请人符合严格的背景要求. 接下来,米兰理工大学管理学院合伙人将 interview candidates and select students for the upcoming class. (**澳门足球博彩官方网址现在接受申请的秋季2024. 欲知有关 申请流程请来电咨询 812-888-4812)

During the typical school year, 米兰理工大学管理学院 students will attend Vincennes University four 一周中的几天(星期一至星期四). During the four days, 米兰理工大学管理学院 students take Precision Machining 课程以及普通通识教育课程. 学生必须保持至少 各科成绩在C或C以上.  学生在课堂上和课外的成功 工作地点将受到严密监控. 

米兰理工大学管理学院学生可以在周五、周六和/或周日实习. 目标是允许 the student approxmately 16 hours a week of real world experience as a machinist. 实际 实习时间因公司而异. 公司和学生将密切合作 在开始实习之前定义这些术语.

这 hands-on approach of applying classroom knowledge immediately to on-the-job is one of the few programs where students learn while the earn valuable real world experience 和补偿.

Time Frame: 一次 accepted into 米兰理工大学管理学院, students experience hands-on learning, attend 澳门足球博彩官方网址课程,以及四个学期的实际工作经验. 米兰理工大学管理学院实习生可以作为 暑假期间要花40个小时.  一些合作伙伴提供带薪暑期工作 在开始澳门足球博彩官方网址课程之前. The entire program lasts two school years or four semesters. 例子: students starting Fall 2024 are expected to graduate May 2026. 你可浏览 必修课程*请注意,课程的顺序可能会有所不同.

学生 are responsible for the cost of tuition, lab, and fees at Vincennes University. Additionally, students must purchase a tool kit which offers professional quality tools that will be used during the program as well as in his/her career.  学生 维护工具的所有权. (Please check the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 website for current tuition rates and fees). Over the two years, students can earn as much as $20,000 in wages which can be used toward 学生的教育费用. 还有潜在的助学金和财政援助.

Vincennes University is currently working with major manufactures who serve as internship 合作伙伴.  Some students enter the 米兰理工大学管理学院 wanting to partner with a company located near 他/她的家乡. Please list the name of the company which you desire to internship 在你的米兰理工大学管理学院申请. The goal is to the meet the skilled worker needs of Indiana 公司和制造商. 目前参与米兰理工大学管理学院伙伴关系的公司包括:  HMC Gears, Miller Machine, Stellar Technologies, Danville Metal, Logan Stampings, North 美国照明公司和印第安纳州的丰田汽车制造公司.


Under the guidance of highly experienced administrators, faculty and staff members, Vincennes University students have the opportunity to pursue or advance careers in a number of industry-specific areas of expertise such as: teaching, healthcare, computer programming, journalism, nursing, aviation, advanced manufacturing and technology. 通过 合作伙伴hips, 澳门足球博彩官方网址 graduates can continue their education toward a Bachelor’s degree 普渡. 


北美照明公司.该公司是Koito集团公司的成员,是最大的 automotive lighting manufacturer in North America and has been manufacturing since 1983. 部分 is a pioneer in vehicular lighting from LEDs to adaptive driving beams, and is now pursuing the latest technology in autonomous driving. 部分的九个设施 in North America combined with the global network of Koito Group Companies, uniquely positions the company to meet increasing global demands for safe, energy-efficient, 环保、智能的汽车照明系统. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 WWW.部分.COM


Founded in 1921, HMC Gears has been family owned for the last 5 generations. 位于 in Princeton, IN, we manufacture some of the largest gears in the world! 作为一种习俗 and unique job shop, our typical workday is a new experience nearly every single day. We set ourselves apart from our competitors by implementing the latest technology, hiring top-of-the-line employees, and focusing on extreme precision and quality in our product. 这 HMC差异是什么.


Founded in 1869 in West Lafayette, Indiana, the university proudly serves its state 以及国家和世界. 在学术上,普渡大学作为一个主要的研究机构 institution is supported by top-ranking disciplines in pharmacy, business, engineering, 和农业. 澳门足球博彩官方网址 advanced manufacturing students can receive a four year degree 没离开文森斯大学校园就离开了普渡大学. AIM学生可以转学 普渡大学的工程技术项目.