Tecumseh Review

Tecumseh Review


Tecumseh Review Info

Tecumseh Review

Submission Guidelines

The Tecumseh Review, 澳门足球博彩官方网址's annual literary magazine, is looking for the best stories, poetry, essays, as well as art and black & white photographs found on campus.

To have your work considered for publication, please submit material to:

     Matthew Norman
     Professor of English
     English Department Chair
     SHC15 E108

     Elizabeth Curtis
     English Secretary

All submissions should be typed, maintaining standard one-inch margins and double-spacing.

Image file specs:

  • Image should be black and white
  • 2000 pixels along the long edge, or greater
  • JPG format

Make sure your name is on your work. Please email your writing as a Word Document attachment to the English Department office at either of the email addresses listed above.

Please include your name, address, campus or home phone, and e-mail address with your submission.

Please do not submit the only copy you have. We have not lost anything yet--and don't ever plan to--but if something should happen to a submission (it gets eaten by a dog, for instance) we would like to think that a quick call to you for another copy will solve the problem.

The deadline for submission is March 1.

ready to begin?