


  • Registered Nurse working toward a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree
  • GPA必须保持在2分以上.0或更高
  • 经济需求是首要考虑因素
  • Traditional or Non-Traditional; Full or part time (minimum 6学时)
  • 可以用来交学费、书费、杂费和住宿费吗
  • Scholarship is renewable with application and letter of request if criteria is met
  • 每年必须在州截止日期前提交FAFSA吗.

罗伯特J. 尼科尔斯博士和纳德内夫. 尼科尔斯,rn奖学金

  • BSN nursing majors that show they will be commitment to a nursing career
  • Full time students preferred, or part time students enrolled and attending a minimum 6学时
  • Academic performance, faculty recommendation is needed, financial need may be a consideration
  • 优先获得者的平均绩点为3分.5分或更高,并保持这个GPA 奖励期为下一年续期
  • 每年必须在州截止日期前提交FAFSA吗.


  • Recipients may be enrolled as a full-time student, part-time student or summer session student at any 澳门足球博彩官方网址 location offering the identified program(s).
  • Recipients must be enrolled in the Associate or Baccalaureate degree Nursing program.
  • Recipients may be from any year of their college career.
  • 经济需要是一个需要考虑的条件.
  • Recipients must maintain the standard level of academic progress as defined by Vincennes 大学.


  • Recipients shall be full time adult learners as defined by Vincennes 大学.
  • Recipients shall be enrolled in the Associate Nursing program or the Bachelor of Science Nursing program at any 澳门足球博彩官方网址 location where the programs are offered.
  • The scholarship may be renewed for a second year if the student maintains the standard level of academic progress for the identified major as defined by Vincennes 大学.
  • Preference will be given to students demonstrating financial need.

Vu基础. 大卫 & 格洛丽亚·范伊顿护理奖学金

  • 仅限护理学学士四年级学生
  • 奖学金只能用于支付学费
  • 全日制或兼职(至少6学时)
  • Financial need is not a primary consideration; Traditional or non-traditional student
  • GPA必须保持在3分.0或更高
  • 无居住要求
  • 每年必须在州截止日期前提交FAFSA吗.


In addition to the specific scholarship criteria, all students must meet and maintain 以下是奖学金指南.