

LILBERT O. 坎贝尔奖学金

  • 全日制学生
  • Pre-med students (with confirmed plans to attend medical school) will receive first 考虑
  • Additional 考虑 will be made to the following majors (in order of 考虑) if there are not any or enough qualified Pre-med students: Pre-Dental, Pre-Optometry, 兽医预科,药学预科,脊椎按摩预科
  • First 考虑 to students from Knox County, Indiana then to adjacent counties
  • An SAT Score of 1,000 or more for an incoming Freshman, GPA of 3.0或更高要求 二年级学生
  • GPA必须保持在3分.0 or better 在任何时候 during scholarship period
  • 每年必须在州截止日期前提交FAFSA吗.

戴尔 & 多萝西·威尔克斯奖学金

  • 主要 in Laboratory Assistant, Pre-Medical or Lab Technician or Med-Surg Technicians
  • 全日制学生; First 考虑 will be for applicants from Knox County, Indiana, then to all Indiana residents or the Illinois counties of Crawford, Lawrence, Richland 或沃巴什
  • 高中累积绩点3.0分(四分制)或以上
  • GPA必须保持在2分.0 or above each semester at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 to be considered for scholarship 续订第二年
  • Recipient must submit a request letter and documentation of college cumulative GPA 每年6月1日前申请续签奖学金
  • 每年必须在州截止日期前提交FAFSA吗.


In addition to the specific scholarship criteria, all students must meet and maintain 以下是奖学金指南.